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Emerging technologies have shifted how we connect and communicate. I examine both the technological and the rhetorical affects of such changes. Using augmented reality, 3D printing, AI, GIS mapping, and physical computing, I explore how new technologies can redefine learning experiences, mobilize information, articulate hidden histories, or advocate for social change. Through UX/LX research methods, I build projects equipped to meet educational goals and inspire learners to ask their own questions.  


To learn more about how I research, create, and critically engage with technologies, check out my Portfolio or the publications below.

Recent Publications

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Deep Mapping for Environmental Communication Design

This article connects place-based writing to professional communication by sharing writing principles from EcoTour, a multimedia environmental advocacy project in a Florida State Park. Using deep mapping, augmented reality, and digital maps, EcoTour helps people communicate big problems like climate change within the context of their local community. 

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Stereoscopic Rhetorics

Stereoscopic Rhetorics: Decolonizing Data Collection examines how imaging technologies dislocate data from local context and often marginalize Indigenous voices. I argue for a "rhetoric in 3D" approach that contextualizes cultural heritage through community curation.


Accessible Pedagogy

Accessible pedagogy explores how to create more inclusive, accessible learning environments. Tools, technologies, bodies, cultures, and institutional standards all affect how we learn. Drawing from the 2020 Access + Ability conference, this article examines how access affects communication and presents accessible approaches that can empower students to draw on their own unique abilities, languages, and experiences.


Making Hope and 3D Printing Change

Making Hope and 3D Printing Change explores accessibility in visual communication. Working with the iconic "Obama Hope" poster, I transform the image into a tactile experience. Through photos and videos, I show how 3D printed lithophanes can create different, more accessible ways of seeing.


Trace Innovation Initiative

The Trace Innovation Initiative is a research collective for writing, technology, and ecocriticism projects. Trace publishes scholarly articles and web texts through the Trace Journal as well as Augmented Reality Criticisms (ARCs). I work as a Senior Editor for the journal and Co-coordinator for the ARCs series. 


Shannon Butts
Educator     Designer    Maker

Ph.D. in Writing and Rhetoric, University of Florida (2019)


M.A. in English, Boston College (2011)


B.A. in English, Berry College (2005)

Academic Appointments


Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Florida (2019 – 2020) 

Assistant Coordinator of First Year Writing, University of Florida (2016 – 2020)

Graduate Instructor, University of Florida (2012 – 2019)   

Graduate Instructor, Boston College (2010 – 2011)   

Lecturer, Neijiang Normal University, Neijiang, China (2007 – 2008)  

Industry Experience


Senior Learning Designer, Shadow Health (2020 – present)   

Lead Learning Experience Designer, Gainesville Development Academy (2017 – 2018)

Emerging Technologies LX Designer, University of Florida Marston Science Library (2016-2018) 

Publications (Refereed)


“Critical Making.” Keywords in Design Thinking: A Primer for Makers, Designers, & Technical Communicators. Ed. Jason Tham, WAC  

  Clearinghouse (Colorado State UP). December 2022.

Making Hope and 3D Printing Change” in Doing Digital Visual Studies: One Image, Multiple Methodologies. Ed. Laurie Gries and Blake  Hallinan. September 2022.

Deep Mapping for Environmental Communication Design.” Co-authored with Madison P. Jones. Communication Design Quarterly, January 2021, Vol. 9, No 1.

Stereoscopic Rhetorics: Model Environments, 3D Technologies and Decolonizing Data Collection” Mediating Nature: The Role of    

 Technology in Ecological Literacy. Eds. Sid Dobrin and Sean Morey, Routledge. 2019.

Girls Tech Camp: Librarians Inspire Adolescents to Consider STEM Careers.” With Suzanne C. Stapleton, Melody Royster, Neelam Bharti, Stephanie Birch, Jean Bossart, Tara Tobin Cataldo, Sara Russell Gonzalez, Valrie Minson, Samuel R. Putnam, Christine Yip. Issues in Science   and Technology Librarianship. September 2019, No. 92.


This is the Remix: Remediating Pedagogy Practices” in Engaging 21st Century Writers with Social Media. Ed. Kendra Bryant. IGI    

  Global Advances in Higher Education and Professional Development book series. 2016. p. 74-95.

Grants & Funded Projects


$324,865        National Endowment for the Humanities (2019) 

                       “MassMine Advancement Grant for Sustainable Data-Driven Humanities Research.” PI: Aaron Beveridge 

                       Role: Contributor


$15,249          Creative Campus Catalyst Fund (2019)

                       “Augmenting Sustainability: An AR App for the UF Campus & Gainesville Community." PI: Les Thiele 

                       Role: Consultant (Project Development), Student Advisor, Content Designer 



$7000             University of Florida International Center, Study Abroad Leadership Program (2019)

                       “Power, Policy, and Protest: Writing with Non-Profits in South Africa.” 

                       Role: Co-PI (with Andrea Caloiaro), Grant Writer, Curriculum Design


$3,100            Bob Graham Center for Public Service (2017)

                       “EcoTour: Using Mobile Technologies to Promote Local Environmental Engagement.” 

                       Role: Co-PI (with Jason Crider, Jacob Greene, Madison Jones), Grant Writer, Curriculum Design, App    



$6,000            University of Florida Graduate School Dissertation Research Award (2017)

                       “Mobilizing P(AR)IS: Mapping History & Geography with New Media.”

                       Role: PI 


$2,000            Center for European Studies Travel Grant, University of Florida (2016, 2017)

                       “Mobilizing P(AR)IS: Out of the Archives and into the Streets.”

                       Role: PI


$1,200            University of Florida Writing Program Travel Award (2016)

                       “Augmenting Atlanta: Race, Space, and the Rhetoric of Renewal on the Atlanta Beltline.”

                       Role: PI 


$96,000          European Union, Partnership Instrument (2016)

                       “Getting To Know the European Union: Peace + Sustainability –  Our Shared Future.” 

                       Role: Contributor, Consultant (Project Development)


$60,000          National Endowment for the Humanities (2015).

                       “MassMine: Collecting and Archiving Big Data for Social Media Humanities Researchers.” 

                       Role: Contributor

Fellowships & Awards



Smathers Emerging Technologies Fellow, MADE@UF Lab, Marston Science Library (2018)

HASTAC Scholar (2016 – 2018)

Teaching Mentor Fellow, University of Florida Writing Program (2014 – 2017)

Graduate Teaching Fellowship, University of Florida (2012 – 2016)

Boston College Teaching Fellowship (2010 – 2011)

Boston College Graduate Fellowship (2009 – 2010)



CCCC/NCTE Technical and Scientific Communication Award: Best Article on Pedagogy or Curriculum (2022) 

University of Florida Writing Program Teaching Award (2017)

University of Florida Writing Program Mentoring Award (2016)

Boston College Donald J. White Teaching Excellence Award (2011)

Neijiang Normal University Award for Teaching Excellence (2008)

Presentations (selected)

"Developing a Learner Analysis Tool: VPS-LES for Diverse Learners" SIGMA Nursing Congress (July 2023)


“Writing Local with Cross-Cultural Commons” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Virtual. (March 2021)


“Deep Mapping for Environmental Communication Design” Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine Pre-Conference at the National Communication Association Conference. Virtual. (November 2020)


“Access and Ability in Scientific Communication” Pedagogy, Practice and Philosophy Conference. Gainesville, FL (February 2020)


“Visual Rhetoric, 3D Printing, & Decolonial Data Collection” Western States Rhetoric and Literacy Conference. Bozeman, MT (October 2019)

“Rhetorical Inertia: Locating Change and Moving Matter” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Pittsburgh, PN,  March 2019. 


“EcoTour: Digital Rhetoric and Local Spaces” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Minneapolis, MN, May 2018. 


“Virtual Environing: Writing Ecologies with Mobile Media” Computers and Writing Conference. Fairfax, VA, May 2018. 


“Modeling Scale: Composing Accessibility with 3D Printing” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Kansas City, MS,    March 2018. 


“Writing Mobilities, Augmenting Space and Cultivating Re-vision” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Portland, OR,  March 2017. 


“Augmenting Public Spaces: Advocating through Hybrid Environments.” Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts Conference. Atlanta,  GA, November 2016.


“Wont’ You Be My Neighbor: A Pedagogical Tour of Atlanta’s Beltline.” Rhetoric Society of America Conference. Atlanta, GA, May 2016.


“Low-Tech Public Humanities.” The Humanities and Technology Camp. Gainesville, FL, April 2016.


“Writing on the Wall: Circulating Paris in May 1968 Image Events.” Marxist Reading Group Conference. Gainesville, FL, March 2016.


“Tell Us More Ted: Using Public Forums to Teach.” University of Florida Pedagogy, Practice, and Philosophy Conference. Gainesville, FL,  January 2016.


“Nailed It! – Pinterest Fails as an Alternative Site of Production.” National Pop Culture Association/American Culture Association  Conference. New Orleans, LA, April 2015.


“Re:Re:Re:Mixing Tautologies and Technologies.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Tampa, FL, March 2015.  


“The Wasted Land: Racism, Rhetoric, and Brewing a British Home and Heritage.” National Pop Culture Association/American Culture  Association Conference. Chicago, IL, April 2014.

Workshops and Campus Talks


“Podcasting and Professional Communication.” Center for Humanities in the Public Sphere. University of Florida (September 2019) 

"Professional Communication and Business Writing: Standards of Practice" Warrington College of Business (August 2019)


"Augmenting the Curriculum: Pedagogical Possibilities for Augmented Reality." UF Interface Conference, Learning Beyond 4 Walls with  

  Jason Crider, Sid Dobrin, and Madison Jones, University of Florida (April 2019) 

"Technical Communication in the Workplace" Warrington College of Business (August 2018)

“Tactile Book Project: Creating Accessible Texts with 3D Printing.” Girls Technology Camp. University of Florida. July  2018.


Sensing Sound: Making Noise, Composing Music with Arduinos.” Marston Science Library. University of Florida. April  2018.


“Women in Science and Technology: Amplifying History with Augmented Reality.” Girls Technology Camp. University of Florida (July 2017)


“Augmenting Art with Digital Humanities.” The Humanities and Technology Camp, Gainesville, FL. With Emily Brooks. April 2017. Keynote.


Build Animatronics Using Arduinos.” Marston Science Library. International Education Week. University of Florida. With Emily Brooks.  

  November 2016. 


Introduction to Augmented Reality.” Marston Science Library. University of Florida. October 2016.


“Crafting with Technology: Mixing Art and Electronics.” Girls Technology Camp. University of Florida. With Emily Brooks. July 2016.


Writing Movements: Making Pseudo-Theremins with Arduinos.” Marston Science Library. University of Florida. With Emily Brooks.  March 2016. 


Composing Sound: Digital Scales with Arduino Piezo Tones.” Marston Science Library. University of Florida. With Emily Brooks. November  2015. 


"Oh, The Places You'll Go: [Dis]location and Immigration in Text." Boston College Graduate Colloquium. April 2010.


“Visual Rhetoric: Representations and Reality.” Neijiang Normal University. Language and Culture Lecture Series. May 2008. 


“Giving Women a Voice in Sexual Health.” Women, Health, and Beauty Public Lecture Series. Neijiang, China. February 2008.


“Women in the Media: The Evolution of the Female Image in American Print,” Tuo Jiang Scholar Lecture Series. December 2007. 

Radio and Podcast


Neijiang City Radio (Neijiang City, China, 2007 – 2008)

Co-host for an educational English Language news radio show, 88.1 FM.

Teaching Experience

(See teaching page for course descriptions and sample syllabi)

University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida (2012 to present)


Graduate Courses


Professional Writing (6 sections)

Business Communication (4 sections)                                           


Upper Division


Writing in the Health Professions (2 sections)

Special Topics in Rhetoric and Writing: Power, Protest, and Public Policy

Professional Communication for Engineers (2 sections) 

Advanced Argumentation: How We Make: Writing for Change

Advanced Composition: Embodied Media and Digital Rhetoric 

Professional Writing in the Disciplines (3 sections)                


Lower Division


Writing through Media: Remix Writing (2 sections)

Survey of American Literature: American Dreams and Disillusionments

Technical Writing      

Research and Academic Writing (9 sections)           

Writing Academic Arguments (6 sections)


Teaching Assistant


Writing and Speaking in Business, (Online 3 sections)

Professional Writing in Business (4 sections) 


English Language Center, Boston, MA (2011 – 2012)


Business English

Cambridge Advanced Writing: (CAE) Writing                                                                                       

Film and Media

Topics in American Culture  

English Grammar    


Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA (2010 – 2011)


First Year Writing Seminar: Rhetoric and Writing (2 sections)          


Neijiang Normal University 内江师范学院, Neijiang City, China (2007 – 2008)


Public Rhetoric: Reading and Writing (6 sections)

Writing for News Media (4 sections)

Film and Media (6 sections)

American History and Culture (9 sections)


Kayamundi Schools/Stellenbosch University, Stellenbosch, South Africa (2003)


Advanced Reading and Writing (2 sections)

Professional Experience

Bedford New Scholar Advisory Board, MacMillian Publishing (2019 – 2020) 


Editorial Positions


Editor, Trace: A Journal of Writing, Media, and Ecology (2018 – 2020)

Editor, Waves: An Undergraduate Journal (2018 – 2020)

Assistant Editor, Trace: A Journal of Writing, Media, and Ecology (2016 – 2018) 


Research Positions


Augmented Reality Criticism Coordinator (ARCs), Trace Innovation Lab (2016 – Present)

Research Assistant, Marston Science Library, MADE@UF Lab (2017-2019)


Conference Organizer


Chair, Organizer, University of Florida Pedagogy, Practice & Philosophy Conference (2015 – 2020) 

Co-Organizer, Digital Assembly Symposium, University of Florida (2016 – 2019) 

Co-Organizer, University of Florida English Graduate Organization Conference (2013)

Co-Organizer, Boston College Graduate Colloquium (2010)


Community Education


Designer, Instructor, Girls Tech Camp, Marston Science Library (2016 – 2019)

Designer, Instructor, Marston Science Library Workshop Series, UF (2015 – 2019)

LX Designer, Instructor, Coding Camp, Gainesville Development Academy (2018)


Technical Skills


Proficient in: Vuforia, Unity Game Engine, ArcGIS, Carto, Adobe Professional Suite, Audacity, Tinkercad, Sketchfab, Arduino Interface, Simplify3D, GUI Interfaces


Worked with: Agile Methodologies, WCAG Design Standards, Jira, Confluence, Salesforce  

Service and Activities

University of Florida


Web Designer, University Writing Program (2018 – 2019) 

Teaching Mentor, University Writing Program (2017 – 2019) 

Trace Innovation Initiative (2013 – Present) 

Managing Editor and Board Member, Trace Journal (2013 – present)   

Co-President, English Graduate Organization (2013 – 2014)


Boston College


Boston College Graduate Colloquium Committee (2010 – 2011)


Neijiang Normal University


Instructor, Lead Researcher, English Corner: An Intercultural Commons (2007-2008)

Faculty Committee for English Scholarships (2007 – 2008)

Faculty Advisor for China’s CCTV National English Competition (2007 – 2008)


Stellenbosch University


Curriculum Designer, International Students of Stellenbosch, ISOS (2003) 

ISOS Art Coordinator and Instructor, Kayamundi School System (2003)

Professional Memberships


Association for the Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine

College Composition and Communication/National Council of Teachers of English 

Rhetoric Society of America

Association of Teachers of Technical Writing

Society of Literature, Science, and the Arts


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